Your Health and Well-Being Matter


Finding the best health care program for SENIORS when the time comes is always a challenge. The listings below include several agencies and/or providers that can give you counseling on Medicare and Medicaid as well provide you with home health care support - either temporarily - or for the long term - as well as assist you with medical bills and other expenses that can be incurred if you need additional help with disability needs.

These providers have been chosen based on our local people's testimonies and experiences in this situation. We hope that this information will be of great assistance to you when it comes time that you need help through the aging process.

Area Agency on Aging Permian Basin

SITUATION COUNCELING AND TEMPORARY CARE. This agency is funded by the Texas Health and Human Services Dept. They can assist with Medicare planning, Medicaid planning, temporary home care minor home modifications, medical equipment, nutritional supplements, utility and rent support and are a good place to start when you are looking for assistance for long or short term care. Their services are FREE with no income level requirements.

AAAPH Contact Information

AAAPH Website

Address: 2910 LaForce Blvd., Midland, Texas 79706

Phone: 800 491 4636, or 432 563 1061

Councilors come to you

PCMHD Home Health Services

IN HOME HEALTH CARE. This provider is associated with the Pecos Count Memorial Hospital in Ft. Stockton, Texas. Their main service is to provide quality health care to patients in the comfort of their own home. The will work directly with local and area physicians to ensure that their patients receive the best care. They offer: In home skilled nursing, physical therapy and home health aides They accept both Medicare and Medicaid for their services as each would apply.

PCMHD Contact Information

PCMHD Website

Address: 387 W Interstate 10, Ft. Stockton Texas 79735

Phone: 432 336 7044 Ext 4550

Councilors come to you

West Texas Centers

MENTAL HEALTH CARE AND COUCELING This provider is a nonprofit organization with an office in Pecos. For seniors they offer counseling on substance abuse, dementia, alzheimers and stress anxiety related issues. They have a doctor on staff who can write prescriptions for mental health issues. They are a good local contact for advise on services available for individual situations. They take most all insurance plans and have FREE service for low income situations.

West Texas Centers Contact Information

WTC Website

Address: 700 W Daggett #4, Pecos, Texas 79772

Phone: 432 447 2628, Crisis: 800 375 4357

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Reeves County Meals on Wheels

FREE DAILY MEAL DELIVERED TO YOUR HOME This provider is sponsored by Reeves County Administration and is contracted by the Texas Department of Aging and Disability Services? or Texas HHS. The application is made through TDADS which upon approval is implemented by our Reeves County staff and volunteers. This service is primarily for people who are ill, recently discharged from the hospital or have disabilities in a low income situation. If you qualify one meal a day will be delivered to your home by a Reeves County Volunteer.

Meals On Wheels Contact Information

Meals On Wheels Website

Address: 700 W Daggett #4, Pecos, Texas 79772

Phone: 432 287 0240, To Apply: 866 535 9759

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Trans-Pecos Nursing and Rehabilitation

Our ouly licensed nursing home in Reeves County offers a wide range of services for mostly disabled and with injuries or in surgical recovery. Their services are available to anyone 25 and above. They can provide both long term and short term stays at their facility based on an individuals condition and doctors prescription. They accept both Medicare and Medicaid as a form of payment for low income or th0se people over age 65. For those who can afford to pay - their room rates are $4000 a month for semi private and $6000 a month for private rooms.

Trans-Pecos Nursing Contact Information

Trans-Pecos Nursing Website

Address: 1819 S Memorial Dr., Pecos, Texas 79772

Phone: 432 447 2183

Call for an in office appointment

Reeves County Medicaid Services HHSC

We have a Texas Health and Human Services office in Pecos on Oak street. They offer assistance with applying for several Medicaid programs that are available to all ages. 1. SNAP Food Benefits (food stamps) helps families buy food for good health. 2. Health Care (General Medicaid Assistance) Helps cover visits to doctors, dentists, and hospitals. Also covers medicines ordered by doctors and dentists. And 3. Support Services which help people with daily living needs, caregivers, and people with mental health, drug or alcohol issues.

Reeves County HHSC Contact Information

Local Medicaid Services Website

Address: 324 W Cypress, Pecos, Texas 79772

Phone: 432 445 5487

Online Applications and Office Assistance


FEDERAL SPONSORED HEALTH INSURANCE FOR OVER 65 This provider is available to seniors when they reach the age of 65. YOU SHOULD APPLY as soon as you reach that age whether you are going to apply for Social Security Benefits at that time or not. If you have SSB Medicare will deduct the insurance bills from that source. If you are not receiving your SSI benefits they will send you a bill. There are four plans offered. Part A - hospital stays, Part B - Doctor services and prescriptions, Part C Advantage plans and Part D Prescription Drug plan.

Medicare Contact Information

Medicare Website

Address: 7500 Security Boulevard, Baltimore, MD 21244

Phone: 800 633 4227

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